Friday, April 25, 2008

i helped april kill her fish yesterday after work. it was really really funny.

april is one of those people who wouldn't even swat a fly really. she loves her pets like they're from her womb, SERIOUSLY.
a week or two ago we went to the pet store and bought new fish for a tank her last roomate left when she moved to the west'd had the same fucked up looking fish in it forever. the old fish immeaditely started picking on the new fish. april was really worried, and texted me a lot about it. almost every day.

last weekend we re-designed the tank. added rocks and plants for her fish to hide out in, landscaped and in general made it look super different. i was hoping that the rearranging would throw off the old fish's territory and he'd stop nipping fins. well it didn't work. april texted me a lot again, she couldnt catch the fish but she wanted him OUT of the tank.

i agreed to stop by after work and snag him. now, i worked in the pet industry for eight years. i'm used to dealing with animals in a lot of different ways. i'm pretty well trained in putting animals down humanely...its just something i can accept as a thing that needs to happen sometimes. april, however, i wasn't so sure about.

when she texted me mid-day yesterday to tell me that the jerky fish had ich, i almost reccommended that we flush him. but i didn't think she'd be down, and i assumed she would think i was an asshole for even reccomending that.

yesterday when i got to her house, i caught the dude and put him in a glass. he looked like total shit. his spine was crooked vertially and horizontally, he was COVERED in ich. when april said to me 'you know, i'm not opposed to flushing him' i was amazed. so we gave him a burial at sea. it was funny.

april called jenny later and fessed up to fishies demise (jenny won't even step on bugs in her house). when jenny was aghast in a joking way at what april had done, april justified her action by saying 'emily said it was okay!'


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