Thursday, April 10, 2008

I got a bike bell last year cause i was tired of yelling at people that walk out into you when you ride down the street. I guess i realized how much more effective dinging a bell was than raising your voice and sayin 'heads up asshole' when andrew and i went to new york and rode bikes for a week with erin. She'd ring her bell and the person would stop dead in their tracks. Its way more polite too.
It makes me laugh that pedestrians still get mad when you use the bell. Today on my way home some woman yelled 'fuck you!' at me when i sounded my bell at her. She didn't even see me til i was close enough to flick a booger on her-she was crossing the street looking the other way. She was more than halfway across when i hit the bell, her head snapped around to see me and she instantly cursed me. I love it when people lose over stupid shit.

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