Thursday, May 17, 2012

got a sad message on the internet from a friend couple, their bulldog has a very aggressive face cancer.  the oncologist is sending them for radiation treatment and then chemotherapy. my moms dog didn't have to have radiation, usually there is a lot of worry if getting that treatment because the side affects on other organs can be very harsh...there is even more worry for dogs with facial cancer because of the close proximity of the brain...but her prognosis was very good, and i can only say from experience with my moms dog that if the oncologist tells you that you have a good chance at more years of life, then you do.  they gave cricket six months if my mom was to immeaditely amputate her leg where the lymphoma started, but after chemotherapy, a year later and that little bugger is still kicking it happier than ever.
read about Frankie here, if you can keep a dry eye (because I cant.)

there will be a benefit/raffle at Empire in early June, I'm making some items to add to the raffle.  Made a sweet hellssatans fanny pack that comes with a tight cell phone holser, also making a couple dog coats.  one is finished, and is a small sized one for little dogs.  the other will be a large dog coat, like pitterkiller size.
the first jacket I made fits egon or dottie, egon likes to sleep as soon as you put anything on him.  he gets very lazy, haha.
it also has a little pocket on the butt that has a hole in it for doggie poop bag dispensing.
fanny packs were long in the works....finally screened patches and got that rolling. made a pattern and refined it, first round was "eh", second round was way better. happier results.
had a photoshoot with griffin, used more Momentum Textiles fabric to make him a nice tux style coat.  Griffin was a bait dog, the dude that fighting dogs were trained on, until Ring Dog rescue got him and rehomed him with a pair of my good friends.  He's an awesome dude, building confidence every day.  He's so sweet, he deserved a jacket that hugged him all the time.

in other news, we are acquiring this

it is driving to us from Tucson, AZ, leaving for RVA on Friday.  i am so excited that i haven't been talking about it because i'm scared i'll jinx myself.  so enough about that.
dottie came to my moms house for mothers day and was a total beeeaaatch to the other dogs, she's very rude sometimes.  did some "dominance" work and rolled her over a lot, she made friends with everyone and particularly loved my youngest cousin.  after a three hour visit she was practically in a coma.

egon started a heavy dose of potassium bromide last week, the phenobarbitol was not controlling the seizures.  we bulk dosed, now we're tapering the dosage back.  in three weeks we'll blood test to see where things stand.  but he's getting a little wonky, his legs aren't cooperating with him and sometimes he runs into the walls....its okay, it'll go away, its a temporary side effect of starting the medication.  he sat down today for a treat and his butt just kept going, he ended up rolling himself over backward, landing on his back with all legs in the air, and just sitting there for a second, wondering how he got on his back on the ground when he'd just tried to sit down.  poor buddy.  we'll get there, its just been trial and error.

new blogger posting is sort of lame, thought i had picture posting on lock but it took me four tries to get photos in this post, that was real annoying. basically adding to tumblr and not this so much.
same as this,
also check out my making stuff blog. its funny to realize how much stuff i make every week. naccc prizes are done but i want to fill them with good stuff i think. gonna do that this weekend. gotta make seat headrest covers for my friend that is doing a benefit tour from the UK to South Africa, the cars are almost finished and are shipping on the the 4th of June so I need to finish them this weekend.
check it out, team "shoebaru"
anyway, busy as shit. not gonna sleep all weekend in total eggcitement anticipation of Travco arrival. really i'm gonna die, so stoked. eeeeeeeeeeee! its nice having friends in other states (esp the desert) that will help you with payment/title exchange and checking out legitimacy of an online motorhome ad.

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