Tuesday, April 29, 2008


what a boring weekend.

saturday after work i went to a cookout at jenny and jheny's house, that was pretty fun. chauncey got chased through the house by jheny's kitten, who is a terror. it was awesome.
sunday was a total bumout day. lounged around, did nothing. went to 2 different targets with andrew while he looked for a particular tech deck. ate mexican. went to bed early, at 10:30 or so.
monday was stupid too. rained so hard all day. woke up and played mario 3 forever. maintenance dudes showed up early and invaded our house, andrew and i couldn't really chill with them around. our air conditioner has been broken for a while, basically it was all iced up and not running.
they told us to run the fan and not worry about it. almost 5 gallons of water later we were pretty worried. called the emergency number, noone ever came out. lame.

went to mexico for tacos, chad and stu came over later. good to hang out. ended up going to bed early again, which means i feel great today. a nice change.

hope today goes by fast, i feel like its gonna be boring.

trying to ride bikes tomorrow am if its nice, then i have a work meeting at noon. then work all flippin day. booooooo.

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